Thursday, February 2, 2012

Nepali jumps to death in Dubai

A young lifeguard, whose job was to save lives at a popular water park in Dubai, has ended his life by jumping from the fourth floor balcony of his staff accommodation.
The deceased has been identified as Nepalese national A.K., and the incident took place at a building in the phase 1 of the Al Khail Gate Community in Al Quoz on Sunday afternoon.
His suicide took place at a time the Wild Wadi Water Park, where he was employed, was closed for annual maintenance for 20 days from January 11 to 31. According to neighbours, A.K. took the extreme step when one of his roommates was asleep in their room on the topmost floor of the building which has been rented by the Jumeirah Group for housing its staff.
“He jumped from the balcony facing the road and fell on the interlock-paved ground,” said one of them. He said the lifeguard had died before the Dubai Police and ambulances reached the scene within minutes after receiving a call from the building’s security. In a statement to Khaleej Times, General Manager of Wild Wadi Water Park Chris Perry confirmed the incident.
“Out of respect for the privacy of the people who work for us, we do not comment on personal details… The company is liaising with the authorities while they are concluding their enquiry. The body of the deceased will be released as soon (as) the necessary formalities are completed, probably next week. Once the body is released, we will organise a service so that people can pay their respects, then the body will be repatriated to the colleague’s home country and handed over to his family.
Our thoughts are with the friends and family of the deceased,” the statement added.
As Found on ekantipur

Power production disrupted in Kalikot

Power production has been disrupted in Kalikot when 30-meters long dam of the only Hydro Power Project in Kalikot district collapsed. 

The project based in Potmara of Numra VDC in the district was generating around 500 watts. 

Local FM radio services have been affected due to the power disruption. Similarly, the cell phone services of the Nepal Telecom and other services depending on the hydro project for power have also been affected. 

Meanwhile, a team of 40 army personnel from the Sangram Shardul Battalion and 20 police personnel from the District Police Office have been sent to the site for the maintenance, said Battalion Chief Bhupendra Bahadur Shah

As Published on myrepublica

'सेना सम्पादक' ले सिकाएको पत्रकारिता

गाइँगुइँचाहिँ निकै चलेको थियो- राजाले आफैं शासन लिँदैछन् भनेर। हुन त चलिरहेको शासन पनि उनकै कब्जामा थियो तर त्यतिले पनि चित्त नबुझेर ज्ञानेन्द्रले आफ्नै हातमा शासनसत्ताको बागडोर लिने रहर गरेका थिए।
यो 'कु' को असर अन्त के पर्‍यो थाहा भएन, तर आफू पनि सञ्चार क्षेत्रसँगै सम्बन्धित भएकाले यस क्षेत्रमा परेको असर भने सोझै अनुभूत गर्न पाइयो। २०६१ माघ १९ गते राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रले जब देश र जनताको हितका खातिर मुलुकको शासन स्टेयरिङ आफ्नो हातमा लिन बाध्य हुनुपरेको बताउँदै थिए, त्यतिखेर मुलुकका प्रमुख सञ्चार माध्यमका दैलामा उनका सैनिक पुगिसकेका थिए।
सञ्चार माध्यम परिसरमात्र हैन, समाचार कक्ष पनि उनीहरुको नियन्त्रणमा थियो। प्रभावशाली
पत्रकारहरु सेनाको निगरानीमा परिसकेका थिए। पत्रकार महासङ्घ जासुसहरुको घेरामा थियो। सेनाले पत्रिका छाप्ने स्थानहरुमा समेत अभूतपूर्व 'सुरक्षा' दिएका थिए।
वाक स्वतन्त्रता र सूचनाको अधिकार संरक्षणका लागि वकालत गर्ने सञ्चार माध्यमले सेनाबीच घेरिएर प्रचार/प्रसार गर्नुपरेका समाचार कस्ता हुन्छन्? अनि कैदभित्र बसेर तयार पारिएका समाचार कसरी आवाजविहीनका आवाज बन्छन्? उत्तर सहज छ- त्यतिबेलाका पत्रिका पढे पुग्छ। जुन पुस्तकालयहरुमा अहिले पनि सहजतवरले उपलब्ध हुन्छन्।
समाचार कक्षमा पुगेका 'सेना सम्पादक' ले यो हाल र त्यो नहालको शैलीमा पत्रकारलाई सिकाउन थालेको आफ्नै आँखाले प्रत्यक्ष नियाल्ने अवसर त्यतिबेला मिलेको थियो। अनि उनीहरुद्वारा नै सम्पादित पत्रिका पढेर भोलिपल्ट पाठकले राजाको शासनबारे के/के न नयाँ लेखेछन् भनेर खोतलखातल पारेको दृश्यले कम्ता हँसाउँदैनथ्यो। विचरा पाठक, उनीहरुलाई के थाहा हाम्रा सम्पादक राजाले नै पठाएका मानिस थिए भनेर।
राजाले आफ्नो शासनको प्रमुख शत्रु सञ्चार माध्यमलाई नै ठानेको त्यतिखेर प्रष्टै थियो उनको व्यवहारले। उनले ल गर पत्रकारिता हेरौं भनेर टेलिफोन, मोबाइल फोन, इमेल, इन्टरनेट सबै बन्द गर्न लगाए। कसैको कसैसँग सम्पर्क हुने अवस्था नै रहेन। यस्तो अवस्थामा जिल्लाबाट त खबर आउने कुनै माध्यम नै रहेन। त्यसैले सेना सम्पादकज्यूको नेतृत्वमा निस्केका पत्रिका मोफसलविहीन हुन पुगे।
काठमाडौंबाहिरका पत्रिका त बन्दै गराइए। काठमाडौंकै पनि साप्ताहिक र फुच्चे पत्रिकाहरु निस्कन दिइएन। यतिमात्र हैन, एफएमहरुले समाचार भन्न नपाउने भए। सूचनामूलक कार्यक्रमसमेत प्रशारणमा रोक लगाइयो। उनीहरुलाई गीत र भजनमा सीमित गरियो। त्यो पनि राष्ट्रवादी शैलीका मात्र। भजन भने जति पनि बजाउन पाइने भयो।
खासगरी निस्कन पाएका पत्रिकाहरुले सेना सम्पादकज्यूले थाहा नपाउनेखालका 'वास्तविक सूचना' पेल्दै गए। नेपाल पत्रकार महासङ्घलगायतका केही साहसिक क्षेत्रबाट कुको विरोधमा जारी विज्ञप्तिहरुसम्म छिर्न थाले। चौतर्फी देशी/विदेशी विरोधले हुन सक्छ, सेनाले यसरी सञ्चार माध्यममाथि हस्तक्षेप गर्ने काम एक सातापछि क्रमशः कम गर्दै लग्यो। र, यसको विरासत प्रहरीले सम्हाल्यो।
पत्रिकाहरुलाई कस्ने उपायका रुपमा ज्ञानेन्द्रले फेरि अर्को हत्कन्ठा अपनाए- विज्ञापन रोकिदिने। एकद्वार नीतिका नाममा आफ्नो समर्थन गर्नेलाई मात्र विज्ञापन वितरण गर्ने प्रक्रिया सुरु गरेपछि उनले सोचेका थिए- अब आम्दानी रोकिएपछि यी पत्रिका मच्चिन्छन्, मच्चिन्छन्, अनि थच्चिन्छन्। तर उनको सोच हावा खायो। उनैले निस्कन नदिएकाबाहेक आम्दानी कम भएका कारण एउटै पत्रिका पनि बन्द भएन।
धेरै पत्रिका अन्यत्र पुग्ने सबैभन्दा सहज र सरल माध्यम हुलाकलाई समेत प्रयोग गर्न बाँकी राखेनन् उनले। हुलाकको दस्तुर एकै पटक दश दोब्बर बढाएर उनले पत्रिका बाहिर पुग्नै नसक्ने स्थिति खडा गर्न खोजे। खाने मुखलाई जुङ्गाले के छेक्थ्यो र? त्यसमा पनि चिप्ले राजा ज्ञानेन्द्र।
गीत/भजनमा सीमित गराएर पनि उनलाई एफएमदेखि चित्त बुझेन। अनि सगरमाथा रेडियो नै बन्द गराए। यो रेडियो र कान्तिपुर एफएमको उपकरण 'अनुसन्धान' का नाममा नियन्त्रणमा लिइयो। केही पत्रिका जबर्जस्ती बन्द गराइयो। समाचार साइटहरु बन्द गरिए। तर यी सबै काम गरिसक्दा पनि 'हत्केलाले सूर्य छेकिँदैन' भन्नेचाहिँ उनले हेक्कै पाएनन्। काग कराउँदै रह्यो, पीना सुक्दै गयो।
राज्यले करोडौं खर्च गर्‍यो व्यावसायिक पत्रकारितालाई निस्तेज पार्न। एकद्वार नीतिअन्तर्गत विज्ञापन दिने भनेर आफू समर्थक पत्रिकालाई १ करोड १० लाख रुपियाँ दिन भ्यायो भने 'शान्ति प्रचार गरेको' आधार दर्शाउँदै आफ्नो पक्षमा लेख्ने, प्रसार गर्ने व्यक्ति वा संस्थालाई १ करोड २६ लाख रुपियाँ दिन भ्यायो। यतिमात्र हैन, ज्ञानेन्द्र र उनका सहयोगी नजिक रहेर उनको शासनलाई 'स्वर्णयुग' का रुपमा प्रचार गर्ने व्यक्तिहरुलाई ५ लाख रुपियाँसमेत राज्यको ढुकुटीबाट वितरण गरियो।
तर पनि उनका समर्थक/प्रशंसकले उनको प्रत्यक्ष शासनकाललाई स्वदेश र विदेशमा समेत राम्रो भनाउन सकेनन्। फ्रिडम फोरम, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय पत्रकार महासङ्घ, रिपोर्टर्स विदआउट बोर्डर्स जस्ता अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय संस्थाहरुले ज्ञानेन्द्रको शासनलाई 'प्रेस स्वतन्त्रताको अपहरण' भएको अवधिमा चित्रितमात्र गरेनन्, यसलाई विश्वव्यापीसमेत गरिदिए।
कु नै किन नहोस्, त्यसले म जस्तो सिकारु पत्रकारलाई धेरै कुरा अनुभव गर्ने अवसर मिल्यो। सैनिक शासन भएका देशमा समाचार सेन्सर भएरमात्र छापिन्छ वा बाहिर आउँछ भन्ने खबर सुन्नमात्र पाएको अवस्थामा त्यो आफ्नै आँखाले नियाल्न पाइयो। ७५ जिल्ला भएको मुलुकमा उपत्यकाका तीन जिल्लाको मात्र समाचार भए पनि पत्रिका निस्कँदोरहेछ र त्यो बिक्दो पनि रहेछ भन्ने देख्न पनि त्यतिबेलै पाइयो।
यसबाहेक मोबाइल र फोनविनाको जीन्दगी पनि चल्दोरहेछ भन्ने ज्ञान पनि प्राप्त भयो। अर्कोतर्फ समाचार र सूचनामूलक कार्यक्रमविनै पनि एफएम रेडियोहरु चल्न सक्दारहेछन् भन्ने पनि जान्न पाइयो। अनि आफूलाई लोकतान्त्रिक भन्न रुचाउने व्यक्ति, सञ्चार माध्यम, संस्थाहरु कसरी छेपारे प्रवृत्तिमा आफूलाई रुपान्तरण गर्न सक्दारहेछन् भन्ने दृश्य पानको अवसरसमेत त्यतिबेलै मिल्यो। खैर, राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रले नेपाली मिडियालाई 'निर्दयी' को सङ्ज्ञा दिएका किन नहुन।
जब राजाले इमेल, फोन, मोबाइल, इन्टरनेट सबैको हत्या गरे, मलाई भने त्यसले एउटा फाइदा दिलायो। म सम्पादककै सुझावअनुसार एक/दुई दिन कार्यालय आउनुपरेन। किनकि त्यतिबेला म कान्तिपुर दैनिकको जिल्ला ब्युरो संयोजकका रुपमा कार्यरत् थिएँ। त्यसैले मेरो काम ७२ जिल्लाका संवाददातासँग सम्बन्धित हुन्थ्यो। इमेल र फोन नै नभएपछि मेरो कामै भएन। यही कारण मलाई त्यतिबेला फुर्सद मिलेको थियो।

Himalayan Viagra in decline

 Highly-prized medicinal fungus Yarsagumba, popularly called ‘Himalayan Viagra’, is declining from its habitat, a new study has found. 

A new study carried out in Dolpa revealed that the average per capita harvest of the Yarsagumba has been declined considerably. The number was 267 pieces per person in 2006 and now it dropped to 125 pieces in 2010. 

"The harvesting trends of Yarsagumba in last five years showed that it has been significantly decreasing by 32 piece per person per year since 2006; as the result cash income of the poor harvesters is declining by six to nine thousands every year,” researcher Uttam Babu Shrestha, a PhD scholar at University of Massachusetts, Boston and a research associate at Harvard University.

The poor harvesters of Dolpa heavily depend on Yarsagumba harvesting and share of their income by it is up to 70 per cent. “For many households this is the only source of cash income,” Shrestha added.

The decline in abundance is prompting harvesters to spend more days in the alpine pastures risking over-exploitation of a pristine landscape and more ecosystem degradation, the study concluded.

According to the report, Yarsagumba largely traded as a tonic and aphrodisiac, is endemic species of the Himalayas and Tibet, and is regarded as the world’s most expensive natural medicine. 

The cost of a kilogram of Yarsagumba in international market is about USD 60,000 (NRs. 4.8m).

Shrestha said that there are several reasons behind the decline of caterpillar fungus. 

"Overharvesting, pre-mature harvesting, over grazing, unavailability of the host larvae or climate change are in my checklist," he said. 

As Published on myrepublica

PM calls gas dealers for talk

 Prime Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai on Thursday called the dealers of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) for talks. 

Dealers were surprised by the call, our correspondent Bigyan Adhikari informed. 

The call for the meeting comes at a time when the desperate locals are taking control of the vehicles ferrying refilled LPG cylinders. 

On Wednesday locals of Sallaghari, Bhaktapur seized two vehicles carrying LPG cylinders of Himal Gas Company. 

The vehicles were transporting 194 gas cylinders from Sanga, where the company is based, to Kathmandu for retailing through the network of authorized dealers.

The consumers, reeling under the shortage of fuel for more than a month, suddenly sprung into action when they saw the vehicles transporting a large number of refilled cylinders. 

Similarly, the locals in Dallu on Thursday tried to seize the vehicles carrying the LPG cylinders but failed as police foiled their intentions.

As Seen on myrepublica

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

‘Dahal in Baidhya’s line or Baidhya in Dahal’s’

Nepali congress (NC) General Secretary Krishna Prasad Sitaula on Wednesday said that parties are in dilemma whether UCPN (Maoist) Chairman Pushpa Kumar Dahal is following Vice Chairman Mohan Baidhya’s panel or has Baidhya come to Dahal’s panel.
Speaking at the Reporters Club in the Capital on Wednesday Sitaula said that unless the Maoist clarify about their stance about the seven-point deal, the deadlock will not end.
Sitaula further said that conclusion of peace process and timely constitution is only possible if the Maoist is in favour of the seven-point deal. “If they do not support the seven point deal, both the processes would be incomplete,” said Sitaula
Moreover, Sitaula said that legalising the land transactions made by the Maoist parallel government during the decade-long insurgency and hiding information of the government prove that the Maoist wants a dictatorial rule. Sitaula also claimed that the government would not be able to establish trust among other parties unless they scrap both their decisions.

As published on ekantipur

Delay in execution of 7-pt pact raises doubts: Deuba

Nepali Congress (NC) senior leader Sher Bahadur Deuba on Wednesday urged all the political leaders to strive for stabality of democracy in the country.
Speaking at an interaction program, 'Sahid ko Sapana ra Bartamaan' (Dreams of the martyrs and the present), organised by Binod Dev Smriti Pratisthan, Deuba said that people are in doubt about the prospects of sustainable peace, new constitution, return of the seized property and so forth. He claimed that the situation arose because of the delay in execution of the seven-point deal made between the political parties.
Stating that democracy is in jeopardy although the martyrs gave away their life for it, the former prime minister said that he is continuously working to solve the rift within the party.
Likewise, NC central member Arjun Narsingh KC said that there is a need of solidarity between the pro-democrats within the party to look for an alternative to the current government. KC accused the ruling UCPN (Maoist) of trying to establish a totalitarian government in the name of democracy and peace.
Similarly, NC central member Man Mohan Bhattarai said that it was rather the flaw of the people that they expected a constitution from the Maoist government. 

As Published on ekantipur